Our passion exists in architecture that embraces the environment, is sustainable, and leaves a lasting impact on its surroundings.  Our range of capabilities allows for us to provide services for small tenant improvements and all the way up to large scale commercial/institutional buildings.  With a background in higher education and environmental design, Hebdon Studios provides you with a personalized design process that focuses on how individuals learn, grow, and develop as an organization and community.

Office Building - Pleasant Grove, UT

Office Building - Pleasant Grove, UT

the RUTH - SLC, UT

the RUTH - SLC, UT


Hebdon Studios is committed to seeking design solutions, client satisfaction, and looking for new and innovative ways to meet your budget and design constraints without compromising function, spatial, and aesthetic needs.

Services include: office buildings, restaurants, religious facilities, classrooms, tenant improvements, feasibility studies, concept design, and more. We welcome any opportunity that you may present to us.